@Shinafae (Lock Help)

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@Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:46 am


Just curious about what I may be doing wrong, I have been working on my lock dps for some time and I feel like I under perform in my groups 10man Alt run. I will see if i can get logs but I was curious if there are any addon's that you have that would help me at all(i.e. Dot timers) because I have been doing my best to get my rotation down and I have pretty decent gear minus legendary, I have the 2nd stage after this week, which as an alt I feel that is pretty good but I just haven't gotten lucky on the Lightning Rod dropping. As far as gearing goes, I did have another question about the 4pc spellpower buff and was curious if it count as a proc like power torrent or just a trinket proccing with haste or anything like that.

Here is my locks armory : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... r/advanced

I feel like im speccing/gemming/reforging correctly, correct me if I'm wrong. And then I do the normal rotation posted on all the main websites(i.e. EJ and MMO Champ).

Affliction I start off with CoE, SB, Haunt, UA, Corrup. BoD, SB...and continue with normal rotation.
And Destro I am doing the optimal rotation as well, with getting CoE, Immo, Conflag, BoD, Corrup, etc.

I will get logs asap and see if you can notice anything that I am not. I know I have messed up on the rotation before but its not very often. I do what I can to dot things that are falling off at around 1-2 seconds max and I have been gearing to the best of my ability with shitty luck in LFR on trinkets and so on.

Also, which spec would you recommend for Yor'sahj heroic, affliction or Destro as I can use BoH on boss while zergin an globule, or I can dot boss and soul swap the globule, only problem I have found is AoE mainly, if any.

If you can help me AT ALL, I would really appreciate it. I am just not seeming to being able to compete with a lot of classes in 10man and idk if its lack of caster buffs or just lack of knowing what to do. Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance.

Another question, maybe any macro's that you can think of that would benefit me as affliction or destro because I feel I'm missing macro's on this guy compared to all the macro's I use on my other characters. Again any help is appreciated.

To add as well, I currently have enough valor to buy the 397 belt, the haste trinket, and the haste ring as well(1 of the 3) . Which do you think would be the best option for me to get to help increase my dps, another tid bit would be that I am next in line for the cloth belt from Zon'ozz as the other cloth wearer has the normal version already, this is assuming we aren't doing hm zon'ozz this week with the new group make up.
Last edited by Bbasher on Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Karona on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:04 am

press your buttons harder.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:03 am

lol ikarona, i remember you from Silvermoon bro. How's it going...haha
Coogz too, i remember when you guys were in Westonzo's guild and I use to be a casual. Then Severance was formed in Wrath starting at Uld I believe right, man some good times. God I really use to suck back then, but I have gotten a lot better now. Hope you are doing good in BL, damn solid guild, just amazing on some of their kills, shocked how fast they burned through everything, im still 5/8 HM atm. Hopefully I can get some help on my lock alt and get up their in performance. Hope you are doing good man, funny you posting on my post, brings back memories of when you use to pug Karazan with my 10man group lolz.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Karona on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:04 pm

Yea I don't play anymore sadly, haha. Good luck though bro!
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:59 pm

thanks man.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Shinafae on Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:44 pm

Hello Bbasher,

Many of your questions concerning macros and addons ultimately come down to personal preference. Your setup should facilitate optimal performance, not hinder it. For myself, I find that a highly customised DoTimer and Quartz Procs module are very useful in helping me track my DoTs and procs of interest, respectively. Just make sure that you have a way to do the following : track DoTs on at least two targets simultaneously, track uptimes of procs and cooldowns, and track any buffs or debuffs that are important to an encounter (which I accomplish through PowerAuras and which falls under the "do not stand in the fire" heading).

Similarly, for macros, you are best off making macros for anything you find useful to you. For my part, I have my full rotation in each spec bound to a seperate @focus macro so that I can maintain damage on my target and focus simultaneously without ever having to target-swap. I also employ various macros with various modifiers for my cooldowns, as well as several targeting and assist macros that I have found useful on certain fights. Needless to say, I have no macro-slots remaining at all. The only macros that I would say are mandatory, however, are appropriately-bound macros for /petattack, /petfollow, and pet's Move To, for proper pet management. You should also bind each pet's special ability and take it off of auto-cast, but if you want to limit the complexity, ensuring that Felguard's felstorm and Felhunter's Spell Lock (our only interrupt) are bound will suffice.

Bbasher wrote:As far as gearing goes, I did have another question about the 4pc spellpower buff and was curious if it count as a proc like power torrent or just a trinket proccing with haste or anything like that.

I don't understand this at all. It's 10 percent of your current spellpower, whatever that may be. It works a lot like a simpler version of the Mage talent Incanter's Absorption in how it scales off of current spellpower values, if that helps.

Your gear looks fine ; I would suggest including epic gems as fast as possible. I strongly dislike the Necromantic Focus trinket and believe that even a DMC : Volcano would benefit you more if you understand how to manage the proc correctly (single-target). Of the valour options you listed, your only viable upgrade is the belt. The ring is about the same as the Infernal Signet due to the socket colour, and the trinket is awful... BUT if you plan on doing Heroic Spine any time soon you may actually want to pick it up just for that.

Finally, concerning your question on Yor'shaj, use Affliction. Swapping BoH and BoD constantly on the boss as you are suggesting would not even be worth the global as the damage you will get on a globule is minimal. Destro also suffers in AoE potential as compared to the other specs.

Hope that helps,
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:03 pm

Ok, thank you very much for the help. I would like to ask one follow up question. I have never actually used an @focus macro, could you possibly post an example/template I could follow to possibly use for myself, because not switching would help immensely and as far as pet attack/special abilities(i.e. Shadowbite from the Felhunter) would I want that to be macroed to a specific attack I use frequently as to make sure it's going to be constantly used of CD(i.e. Shadowbolt for Affliction and so forth). As far as pet macro's for movement in this tier is that necessary other than to make sure they will be assisting you as sometimes they stay on one target until you call them to another?

Sorry for all the questions, but I did think of one more, as I asked before about the 10% spell power, is it worth delaying a Soul Burn by 10 or so seconds to get it to time up with Demon Soul as I can get a couple Soul Burns in after using the initial one with Demon Soul, and its roughly, if I remember correctly, 15 seconds maybe less until it's back up to use it in conjunction with a 2nd Demon Soul.

Again thank you for all the help you actually helped and weren't a jerk about me asking questions like some people can be and I sincerely appreciate that.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Shinafae on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:40 pm

Focus macros are very simple; just use

#showtooltip Spellname
/cast [@focus] Spellname

So for UA for example this would be

#showtooltip Unstable Affliction
/cast [@focus] Unstable Affliction

When I said pet specials, I meant utility specials rather than their main attacks or even secondary specials. So that's Spell Lock, Axe Toss, Seduction, Singe Magic, Sacrifice. For PvP you'd want the Felhunter's devour magic bound as well but that is not especially useful for PvE. Felstorm is a special case in that you'll want it off auto and bound. It's fine to keep main attacks (Shadow Bite, Legion Strike, Lash of Pain, Firebolt, Torment) on auto, although if you go destro and use Imp, you want the Imp's Firebolt macro'ed to each of your spells, to reduce the effects of latency. Sorry that I was not more clear.

In PvE this tier I primarily find myself using the pet's Move To command on Hagara so that he can partake in the lightning chain. It's still a useful thing to have bound as you never know when precise pet positioning will be required. Make sure that your pet is on PASSIVE and you are manually controlling him whenever you must position him, or he'll dart off at random targets when you don't want him to.

Concerning the last question, it's heavily fight-dependant and contingent upon both fight length and what, precisely, is happening in each fight at any given moment. As a rule of thumb, if you can hold cooldowns in order to synch them with procs or other cooldowns without losing overall uptime on the fight, it is beneficial to do so. So if you can hold your burn and doing so doesn't cause you to miss an entire additional burn towards the end of the fight, it might help you. However, your Temporal Ruin will no longer align with your Power Torrent... is there maybe a better solution for getting your cooldowns to align on say, a six minute fight ? Think about it.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:28 pm

Hmm i will have to think about it, and thank you again for all the help.

I am trying the @focus macro's and I can only get my instant cast DoTs and not UA or Curse of Elements to work at all.

Also, something i left out before was my current trinket selection, since you said the HM NF wasnt worth it as the proc from DMC:V was better, I also have Rune of Zeth, VPLC Normal, and the DMC:V. If you still think the DMC:V is better then I will be happy to use that as I can see timing the proc and CDs and reapplying dots would be beneficial. Also, I was curious if it was worth reapplying dots for lightweave procs as it is 580 int but it only lasts for 15 seconds so I was hesitant on reapplying them for being up for such a short time.

Edit: I figured out the @focus macro, for some reason I wrote it 100% right, but then it wouldn't work and I guess my game was being buggy and I just deleted the macro and remade it and it works correctly now. Still would like any input on the trinkets I know you said DMC:V but I never listed the options and wasn't sure if there was a better option at my disposal.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:41 am

I was curious, as you pointed out in your post before that you had an extensively configured DoTimers addon, if possible could you upload the DoTimers Lua file or something to allow me to see how you use it, because I have been looking at it and trying to set it up and just figured I would see how you used it if possible. I realize this is a lot to ask from someone who has school, raiding and everything else, because I know with work it's hard for me to keep up on my UI that I currently have on WoW Interface, but was just wondering if at all possible if you could do me one more favor :)

Thanks if you can, thanks if you can't you have been a big help regardless.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby kaeXo on Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:52 pm

I just love it when I see upper echelon players helping out even the most random of people, strangers, with questions no matter how simple they may be. I always hated the pro FPS players that saw themselves as untouchables without any spare time to help out anyone who just wants some advice. I've always respected that sort of behavior. It really brings the community together in my opinion. As opposed to those snobby players that self-segregate themselves from "everyone else".
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Shinafae on Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:14 pm

Bbasher wrote:I was curious, as you pointed out in your post before that you had an extensively configured DoTimers addon, if possible could you upload the DoTimers Lua file or something to allow me to see how you use it, because I have been looking at it and trying to set it up and just figured I would see how you used it if possible. I realize this is a lot to ask from someone who has school, raiding and everything else, because I know with work it's hard for me to keep up on my UI that I currently have on WoW Interface, but was just wondering if at all possible if you could do me one more favor :)

Thanks if you can, thanks if you can't you have been a big help regardless.

I use my DoTimer to track cooldowns of interest, buffs of interest (although I've pretty much abandoned this in favour of Quartz procs module), and my debuffs on target and focus. I'm a bit strange in that I use rather large icon timers in the centre of my screen - the bar timers that most people are fond of drive me nuts: I evaluate my debuffs based on glancing at the colours of the icons, so a bunch of bars that are all the same colour would not help me at all. I highly recommend that you configure the addon in such a way that it works best for you rather than copying my setup - we each have our own intuitive methods of processing information, and what's best for me may not work for you and vice-versa.

Also, I missed your message concerning trinkets. Out of those that you listed, RoZ and lightning capacitor would work best for single target Affliction. On a fight where there are loads of adds and the vast majority of your damage is derived from multidotting, Necro. Focus may work better if cooldowns with RoZ don't line up well. The new instance's trinkets, even in the Raid Finder version, are a better choice than any of these.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:45 pm

Well I didn't post the 2 I currently had equipped because I was being dumb, but I have Insignia as well, so would you still say insignia and DMC:V?
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Shinafae on Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:19 pm

Insignia and vlpc probably unless you need the reforge from another trinket to hit cap for some reason.
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Re: @Shinafae (Lock Help)

Postby Bbasher on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:37 am

ok cool thanks for the help again, really appreciate you being so nice. Well I'll try not to bug you too much more haha. But I may stop by with random questions.
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