@ BL Warlocks.

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@ BL Warlocks.

Postby Swâpz on Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:41 pm

Hey name is Swâpz from Tich . I wanted to ask a few ?'s regarding some Demo and cd usage. Shaddows i thank you for your input over there on Twitch its changed my opener some. Something that bothers me tho is the Impending Doom procs. Lot of times with the incen spec i will get Lust at the beginning of a pull and end up with Meta ready again few secs after i just got out of it, which is not what bothers me its great its the fact all my personal CD's are on cooldown. So whats happening is Power torrent/and lightweave are not coming off CD for some time so question would be ...

1) sit and wait for a proc ? or just use Meta?

I tend to just use it. Would love to know if its right, would love to know about how long will you guys sit around without using Meta (say on Ultrax) to wait for a PT proc or another CD?

2) One more little ? is @ Shaddows you said to try and line up SB 4set buff with a trinket or proc which makes perfect sense, how long will you wait around for it to proc before using it again. I have a ui with all this info so it is by all means not that i dont see them it just feels like the time to sit around waiting can be forever even tho its only 10-20 secs lol.

Anyhow thanks for any help here


I was pissed i missed your twitch Q&A for Warlocks at BL on Riggs channel :(
was a few hrs late haha
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Re: @ BL Warlocks.

Postby Shinafae on Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:48 am

Hi Swâpz,

1) sit and wait for a proc ? or just use Meta?

I assume you are not using Moonwell Chalice. Typically, just reusing Meta is going to be most beneficial. Remember that Meta snapshots mastery only and not spell power as well, like a Doomguard would. If you truly are getting Meta off of CD several seconds after it falls, you are guaranteed going to have a Power Torrent proc in the duration of that Meta, and it will be just as beneficial mid-Meta as it would have been at the beginning of Meta. With the timing you describe, the PT proc will occur inside of 10 seconds after your second Meta cast. You would simply delay Immolation Aura until PT does proc, because IA does snapshot spell power. Now, if, say, your Meta comes up right after your second PT falls (meaning you have ~35 sec to PT/Lightweave proc), it may be worth sitting on the Meta for 16-17 seconds (the duration of IA + allowance for PT proc rng) before reusing, so that you can get off a fully buffed IA and strong BOD recast before Meta falls a second time. Bear in mind that RNG is RNG, and it's always better to get a full Immolation Aura than a clipped one with a weak buff like PT/Lightweave.

Keep in mind that the decision to sit on a cooldown or not will vary in function of fight length, so there are unfortunately cases where there is no hard and fast rule to follow.

2) One more little ? is @ Shaddows you said to try and line up SB 4set buff with a trinket or proc which makes perfect sense, how long will you wait around for it to proc before using it again. I have a ui with all this info so it is by all means not that i dont see them it just feels like the time to sit around waiting can be forever even tho its only 10-20 secs lol.

Power torrent ICD is 45 seconds. Lightweave ICD is 90 seconds. Soulburn cooldown is 45 seconds. These all work very well together, so you should not be waiting more than a few seconds for 4pc at any given time, unless you popped it WELL before your first PT proc (bad idea - Temporal Ruin is our shortest-duration buff right now so popping it early means that your DG and juiced BOD will probably not benefit from it). Now, things get a bit more complicated if you are running Insignia of the Corrupted Mind, because this trinket will not always line up with the spellpower cooldowns very well. In this case, you can make the choice to "sit" on the 4pc or not and that choice should be made in function of your Meta status and just how long you'd be needing to "sit" on 4pc to sync it with Velocity.

I'm notably ignoring Demon Soul here because DS : FH is very weak for Demo, affecting only the Corruption and the Bane of Doom. Practically, you need only worry about how it's going to affect your BoD damage. If you have a baller BoD that you aren't going to refresh until your Meta again, there's no point in not sitting on Demon Soul until that Meta so that your BoD recast is that much stronger. There's probably an exception to this rule somewhere, on some fight, but in the vast majority of cases, it will serve you well.

Hint : if your DS : FH comes off CD with say, 5 sec left on a Meta, pop it and recast BoD immediately - you'll have a very respectable BoD running through most if not all of Meta downtime. If you can sync a minor spellpower proc here (engi gloves, 4pc), even better.

Hope that helps.
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Re: @ BL Warlocks.

Postby Swâpz on Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:25 am

Thanks so much for clearing this up for me. Also thanks for responding so fast :) .
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