A question for the boomkins

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A question for the boomkins

Postby Shakkenbake on Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:59 pm

Hey guys, are there any specific tactics you use to proc (or attempt to) owlkin frenzy on heroic spine? Can you stand in the dead tentacle spawns and proc it off the minor aoe damage right before a tentacle, or would I have to go as far as taunting a blood a few seconds before the tendon appears?

Also regarding starfall, would you recommend using the focus glyph and getting as close to the tendon as possible? Right now I'm doing ~950-975k damage to a tendon every time it spawns w/o potions or lust, just looking to try and up that to a more competitive number. Thanks in advance.
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Re: A question for the boomkins

Postby Acrol on Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:05 pm

You could glyph focus, but the harsh reality is that next to no stars even hit the tendon.
I personally don't move within focus range, but you could after the amalg explodes.
On later plates it's part of our strat to stack tightly for healing so that wouldn't be an option for us, but if you can pull it off it's free damage.

I don't particularly try and proc owlkin frenzy as that is detrimental to the raid IMO.
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Re: A question for the boomkins

Postby Shakkenbake on Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:44 pm

Alright awesome, thanks for the reply man.
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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:18 am

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